Prompt Pay

Looking for legal assistance regarding a potential prompt pay claim? Call us at (216) 815-9500 or submit this form and one of our attorneys will contact you for a free consultation.

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Ohio Revised Code Section 4113.15 requires that every individual, firm, partnership, association or corporation pay its employees on time. To be considered timely, on or before the 1st of each month, employers must pay all wages earned between the 1st and the 15th of the prior month. All wages earned between the 16th and the 1st day of every month must be paid on or before the 15th day of the following month.

Certain trades, professions, or occupations may use a longer time frame. Written contracts may also establish a longer time frame. Wages are the net amount of money payable to an employee, minus taxes and any deductions “made pursuant to a written agreement for the purpose of providing the employee with any fringe benefits.”

There are penalties imposed on an employer if wages are not paid within 30 days of a regularly scheduled pay day. The employer must pay the employee either $200 or 6% of the amount of the unpaid claim, whichever is greater. In addition to this penalty, an employee who is successful on a wage claim can force the employer to pay to recover reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in pursuing the claim.