Civil Service

Are you looking for legal assistance regarding a civil service matter? Call us at (216) 815-9500 or submit this form and one of our attorneys will contact you for a free consultation.

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Civil service laws were originally enacted to counter the practice of election winners giving government jobs to friends and supporters who were not qualified, and firing government workers who were hired by THE elected official’s predecessor.  Civil service laws ensure that hiring and promotional processes by governmental agencies are fair, identify the best-qualified people and are applied evenly. 

Most government employees who are not unionized are considered to be civil service workers with a contractually protected property interest in continued employment in the public sector.  Those government employees protected by civil service laws can work for federal, state, county, city and township entities, and, in Ohio, also includes employees of state colleges and universities.  These civil servants are referred to as classified. 

Unclassified employees are those who work for government agencies, but are either elected or appointed to a management or supervisory position.  These employees typically serve at the discretion of election winners. 

A classified civil servant may not be terminated without a showing of incompetence, inefficiency, dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public or neglect of duty.  Additionally, these classified employees cannot be subjected to adverse job actions unless management outlines the charges against them in writing and provides the employee with an opportunity to challenge the charges. 

The enforcement of civil service rights often must be done quickly.  Please reach out to Cohen Rosenthal & Kramer promptly if you are a classified civil servant whose job rights have been violated.