Access to Justice and Strategic Impact Litigation

Are you looking for legal assistance but finding it difficult due to the economics of hiring an attorney? Call us at (216) 815-9500 or submit this form and one of our team members will contact you for a free consultation.

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Unfortunately, capable legal help is challenging or impossible for many to access due to finances.  Access to Justice, sometimes described as equal justice, refers to the real barriers many people and non-profit organizations confront when faced with the economics of hiring an attorney.  Unlike health care, legal assistance is rarely covered by an insurance policy.  While Legal Aid Societies are wonderful tools, many do not qualify for this aid. 

The goal of Strategic Impact Litigation is to create social change and remedy injustices.  Strategic Impact Litigation and Access to Justice are interconnected in that injustices which need to be remedied rarely are suffered by those with deep financial pockets.  And as Strategic Impact Litigation is often slow, risky and costly, many lawyers are unwilling to be involved. 

CRK is often able to fill that void.  Not only has the firm counselled several non-profit performing arts and social services organizations, it has assisted on a pro bono basis many clients referred through The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland and  Cleveland Homeless Legal Assistance Program.  CRK also is willing and committed to enter into a variety of creative financial arrangements with other clients so that Access to Justice can be achieved.

CRK has been involved in a variety of Strategic Impact cases.  On behalf of the City of Cleveland, the firm sued numerous Wall Street banks in an effort to give the City a means to recoup multi-million dollar public expenditures necessitated by Wall Street’s reckless grab for profits from the subprime mortgage boom.  On behalf of a class of Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority tenants, the firm attempted to recover unlawful extra charges tacked onto monthly rent bills.  The firm also represented several Ohio public school districts who wanted to assure that the misuse of taxpayer money by the villains who operated and supported the charter school Electronic Classroom of  Tomorrow did not happen again. 

CRK is willing and able to shoulder the cost and risk of litigation which has the lofty goal of bettering society.